Business Application | Server Name | Server Uptime (hrs) | Total Working time (720hrs = 30days*24hrs) | % uptime (for each server) (Uptime/Total Working Time) of the server | Number of Failures |
App-1 | server-1 | 719.87 | 720 | 0.9998 = Uptime1 | 4 |
App-1 | server-2 | 719.63 | 720 | 0.9995 = Uptime2 | 4 |
App-1 | server-3 | 719.93 | 720 | 0.9999 = Uptime3 | 2 |
App-1 | server-4 | 719.93 | 720 | 0.9999 = Uptime4 | 2 |
App-1 | server-5 | 719.93 | 720 | 0.9999 = Uptime5 | 1 |
App-1 | server-6 | 365.05 | 720 | 0.5070 = Uptime6 | 1 |
KPI/Metric Name | KPI/Metric Description |
MTBF (in Hours) | Overall MTBF for the application based on the Total uptime and Total no. of P1 failures |
Total Uptime (in hrs) | It is the Total uptime for the application calculated based on the % Uptime and the Total Working Time |
% Up Time | It is calculated as the product of the % uptime of all the servers mapped to the business application |
Number of Failures | Total number of P1 Incidents tickets for the application |
Server MTBF | It is the MTBF calculated for each server based on the uptime and number of P1 failures |
Server Uptime | It is the Uptime for each server calculated based on the Total working and breakdown time Note - Overlaps of tickets are considered without double counting breakdown time |
Total Working Time | Total Server available time for 30day rolling window i.e., 720 hours/server |
Total Breakdown Time | The cumulative time measured between the open date (DD, HH:MM:SS) to the resolution date (DD, HH:MM:SS)of the P1 incident tickets. Note - Overlaps of tickets are considered without double counting breakdown time |