Kyndryl AIOps

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P1/P2 active Incidents (Incident Management)
Published On Aug 30, 2024 - 10:42 PM

P1/P2 active Incidents (Incident Management)

This page describes the Incident Management insight of Integrated AIOps, called P1/P2 Active incidents on the landing page.
The Incident Management Dashboard provides Insights pertaining to Incidents within the last 210 days. An incident is an event that could lead to loss of, or disruption to, an organization's operations, services or functions. Incident management is a term describing the activities of an organization to identify, analyze, and correct hazards to prevent a future re-occurrence.
The Integrated AIOPs Incident Management insight identifies P1/P2 incident tickets which are there and are aging for which actions need to be take to avoid that the business application becomes more impacted. The insight provides the delivery team where to have the focus and take action.
From the landing page, click
P1/P2 active incidents
to open the Incident Management Dashboard. Otherwise, click the
section from the landing page toolbar, navigate to
and choose
Incident Management Card
. Filter by P1/P2 to get the same view as one from landing page.

Business Value and Benefits

  • Provide an up-to-date overview on which incident tickets are there for the account and how they are being handled by the account.
  • Used in daily stand-up meetings to address areas of concern.


The following table provides a description and calculation for each KPIs/Metrics used within the insight.
P1/P2 active Incidents shows all the active (non-resolved) P1 and P2 incident tickets for the account.
  • Grey:
    If there are P1 & P2 active incidents only in the range of P1 - 0-1 day and P2 0-2 days, then the active incidents count shows in Grey
  • Red:
      If there are even 1 incident which meets the criteria P1 > 1 day or P2 > 2 days, then the active incidents count shows in Red
KPI/Metric Name
KPI/Metric Description
Incoming Vol
Count of incoming Incident tickets, which includes all tickets. If filters are applied, the data reflected is per the applied filter.
MTTR Incl Hold
Mean Time to Resolve displays an average day count taken to resolve the tickets including the hold tickets on the given period.
MTTR Excl Hold
Mean Time to Resolve displays an average day count taken to resolve the tickets that do not calculate the time of the hold tickets.
Count of Resolved Incident Tickets.
Count of Incident tickets in closed or equivalent status.
Count of backlog tickets which includes Queued, On Hold, Work in Progress (WIP), In Progress, and SLAHold.
Count of Reopened Tickets from any status.
Max Reopened
Count of the maximum number of reopened Incident tickets. Tickets can be reopened from any status.
Max Reassign
The maximum count of the reassigned Incident Ticket
Priority View
Count of Incident Tickets along with the severity (P1- Critical, P2-Major, P3-Minor, P4-Low). Mouse hover on any of the priority view Tree map to view a tooltip. The tooltip displays Priority and count of tickets for that priority.
Region Wise View
Proportion of Incident Tickets by region.
Company View
View of the companies based on incident volume. Each company is represented as a segment in the tree map with the count of incident tickets.
Contact Type
Proportion of Incident volume by Contact Type, implying ticket source and how the ticket was created (Top 10 contact types only).
Aging Backlog
Backlog tickets that are in the status Work in Progress (WIP), On Hold, and Queued.
Service Line
Parent Team which handles the Incident Tickets. Integrated AIOps takes this value from the Ticketing System.
TOP 25 Cities
View of the Top 25 cities with respect to the Incident ticket volume. Larger the word, greater the volume of incidents associated with the stated city.
Top 50 Assignment Group
Top 50 Assignment Group which are handling the Incident Tickets. Larger the word, greater the volume of the tickets in that group.
Category View
Volume of Incident tickets by different category. Larger the word, greater the volume of incidents for that category.
Sub-Category View
Sub-Category View is the iterated team of the Category View that handles the Incident tickets. Larger the word, greater the volume of incidents for that category.
Original Vs Actual Priority
Proportion of Original vs Actual Priority status with respect to Incident Volume. Original Priority is set by the user and Actual Priority is set by the Incident team based on the impact of the ticket. The sum of tickets (P1+P2+P3+P4) shown in Original Vs Actual priority always matches with the count shown in Incoming Volume. Each bar in the stacked bar chart represents the whole priority, and segments in the bar represent different priorities of Incident tickets. The X axis represents the original priority of the incident ticket and each segments within the bar shows the actual priority.
Reassignment Bucket
Count of Incident tickets reassigned based on the ticket severity. Each bar in the stacked bar chart represents the whole priority, and segments in the bar represent different priorities of Incident tickets. The X axis represents the number of times ticket got reassigned and each segments within the bar shows the number of tickets under each priority.

Use cases

Use Case 1
Step 1: Users can navigate P1/P2 Active Incidents from the Landing page by clicking on the P1/P2 Active Incidents tile which will take the user to incident management dashboard or User can click on the incident management from the Dashboard section from the left side of the landing page.
Step 2: Users can view the count of P1/P2 Active Incidents (Backlogs), Aging Backlog, Top Assignment Group, Category and subcategory, Ticket details etc.
Step 3: User can drill down accordingly to find the top contributors and take actions.
Remove the Priority filter on top to view the Backlog (Active Incidents) for all Priorities.
Use Case 2
Step 1: Users can access the Incident dashboard which provides insights on all key metrics like Incoming volume, MTTR, Resolved Closed, Backlogs, Reopened and Max Reopened, Priority wise, Status etc.
Step 2: User can further drill down to see top contributing assignment group, what is the source of the incident (Contact Type), Category etc.
Use Case 3
Step 1: User can navigate by clicking P1/P2 Active Incidents tile from the landing page or by clicking on the incident management from the Dashboard from the left side of the landing page.
Step 2: Insight provides MTTR Including Hold and Excluding Hold, User can drill down to see the highest contributors based on the Priority, Assignment group, Category and subcategory etc.
Use Case 4
Step 1: User can navigate by clicking P1/P2 Active Incidents tile from the landing page or by clicking on the incident management from the Dashboard from the left side of the landing page.
Step 2: Once user is in the incident management dashboard view, User can click on the ticket detail to see the mapping of Business application, Hostname and Recommended automata related to the incidents.
Use Case 5
Step 1: User can navigate by clicking P1/P2 Active Incidents tile from the landing page or by clicking on the incident management from the Dashboard from the left side of the landing page.
Step 2: Users can use the filters in the incident management dashboard based on the Assignment Group and the service line they support and can chose the filters from advanced filters below that helps to identify the Top talkers.
  1. Created On
  2. Resolved On
  3. Closed on
  4. Status,
  5. Priority
  6. Contact type
  7. Location
  8. Hostname
  9. Resolution code
  10. Recommended Automata
  11. Actionable
  12. Autogenerated
  13. Automation Engine
  14. Platform type
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