Cloud Services

Container Cluster Management

IBM Cloud
Published On Dec 12, 2024 - 2:12 PM

IBM Cloud

Understand how to enable IBM Cloud Prometheus, supporting your chosen monitoring system.
Improve your IBM Cloud infrastructure monitoring by integrating Prometheus. This straightforward guide walks you through the configuration process, making it simpler and more user-focused. Let’s jump right in!
Initial Setup and Tool Installation
  • Begin by installing the
    tool on your machine. Get it here.
  • If you're using an RHEL machine, opt for this version: RHEL ibmcloud tool.
Plugin Installation
  • Enhance the functionality of the ibmcloud tool by installing the following plugins:
    • ibmcloud plugin install container-service
    • ibmcloud plugin install container-registry
    • ibmcloud plugin install observe-service
Connection and Configuration
  • Ensure
    is installed on your system.
  • Connect to the IBM Cloud CLI with this command:
    ibmcloud login -a -r jp-tok -g Default --sso
    (Note: Include
    only if you're using a federated ID.)
  • To focus on your specific cluster for this session, use:
    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster c50pifut05bcc7pangi0
  • Check if the connection to your cluster is successfully established:
    kubectl config current-context
Integrating Prometheus with IBM Cluster
  • Ensure the Helm package manager for Kubernetes is installed. Helm streamlines Prometheus installation and management.
  • Next, add the Prometheus repository to your Helm list and update it:
    csharpCopy code
    helm repo add prometheus-community helm repo update
  • Install the Prometheus Helm chart into the 'monitoring' namespace (this will be created automatically if it doesn’t exist):
    helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring --create-namespace
  • Validate Prometheus installation by checking the status of the pods:
    kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l "release=prometheus"
Dive into Prometheus Dashboard
  • Access the Prometheus dashboard on IBM cluster using port forwarding:
    kubectl port-forward --namespace monitoring svc/prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus 9090
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